The fun's just started.
Saturday, January 23, 2010

I don't understand why people have this idea that engaging a domestic helper is to help you mother your OWN kids?! I'M DAMN FREAKING PISSED! Recently, people had been passing remarks and on me (obviously), saying, "OH! You got a maid to help you take care of your boy. Then you can faster give birth to another baby la!"

SERIOUSLY! I'm on the verge of slapping that whoever!!! I'M NOT THAT KIND OF MOTHER WHO JUST THROW MY CHILD TO WHOEVER AND HAVE MY SELFISH PLEASURE! I totally detest the idea of leaving my son with a stranger alone at home and I minimise leaving him with my parents and siblings as well. He is my RESPONSIBILITY. Otherwise, why do you think I will give up my job and help my Dad? HONESTLY, so that I can watch my son grow and be by his side 24/7! So what if I work longer hours for my parents? I'M HAPPY! I can see my parents everyday and be with my son. My helper is hired to do the housework MOSTLY and help me watch over my boy in the office when I'm busy. I FELT SO BLOODY OFFENDED!

FYI! My husband and I PERSONALLY take care of our son in the night (even after working the whole day). When my boy was sick, I stayed up the nights to nurse him. I home-taught him and I give him all the loves I have. Even if I'm to have a second child, I will NOT let Landis feel any difference! He will have my loves and his lil sibling's love and respect as well.

So don't you ASSUME, cos NOT all mothers are what you think they are. HEY! I'M MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE! TRUST ME!

Saturday, January 23, 2010Autumn fun.x

Thursday, January 21, 2010

This post is dedicated to our Landis boy. Happy 2nd Birthday, Landis. May you have many more happy returns to come.

Mummy and Papa LOVE you!!! We pray for your good health & growth. May you always be surrounded with loves & goodwills. To grow with grace and be down-to-earth. :)

Mummy & Papa.

Thursday, January 21, 2010Autumn fun.x

Monday, January 11, 2010

Alrighty! Greetings y'all! :0)
I know, I know, I've been M.I.A for awhile. Cause I've been really busy lately. My domestic helper had went back to Indonesia for her 2 weeks vacation before her contract renewal. So, I had to go back to basic. Except this time, I've a lil rascal tagging me round the house, trying to help. :) Yes, that's my lil boy.

Just this morning, my hubby was still REALLY uncertain to just leave us ALONE at my parents' work place. I ASSURED him nevertheless that we would be perfectly fine. I believed that our-going-two-years old Landis would not give me a hard time and would be a great help. And indeed, he was. :) He helped me pushed 4 HEAVY CARTS out of the shop! He was playing with his toy cars when he saw me trying to maneuver the heavy cart towards the door. He quickly stood up and voluntered his help. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE STRENGTH OF A 2 YEARS OLD BOY! I'm impressed that he knew what he was doing and even guided me on which cart I should push out first. :) He really made my day.

Oh! On second note!!! Today was a STRESSFUL day for ALL the high school graduates; the released of 'O'level result. When my lil sister FINALLY rang us up at 2.43pm, we were screaming with joy. She fared wonderfully and was able to get into her desired course; Chinese Studies. We hugged her the moment she stepped into the shop. Her EMO look gone and in place was the most radiant and relieved look ever.

All in all, today has been a lovely day with lots of love shown and happiness spread. OH! Just to keep you updated, my seedlings have bloom beautifully. And I've started cultivating flowering plants as well. Hmmm... regarding The Pepper Volcano Chilli?? I FAILED!!! But I'm not giving up just yet. I'll try again and again with more patiences and loves. :) Ciaos.

P.S: Hubby, thank you for your help and supports. I really appreciate it. :) You've outdone yourself. :)

Monday, January 11, 2010Autumn fun.x

Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello, Earthlings! :) It's the start of 2010! Its GREAT to be home relaxing but my hubby has to work today, and he was feeling pretty reluctant. LOL! Well, its his job so he can't grumble. Landis is feeling much better after seeing the Chinese sinseh. His bloated tummy, gone and today he manages to finish his bowl of porridge. PHEW! His teething really gives us HEADACHES. But I'm glad this new year is too, a good start for my boy. =)
For the past 2weeks, I'm occupying myself with my hobby. GARDENING. :) I'm cultivating Tropical Tomatoes, Egg Tomatoes, Long Tom and Pepper Volcano (Chilli); all from seeds. I'm happy to announce, all the seedlings have sprouted except Pepper Volcano as it requires a longer "sprouting" time. :) When I was younger, my Dad introduced gardening to me. I'm thankful to have his gift; the green fingers. We would cultivate lots of flowering plants and vegetables in the plot of garden behind our shop (the garden was long gone after the reconstruction :'S). Then, we had young papaya tree, chilli plants, fern plants, aloe vera... ... ... My Dad would plow and fertilize the soil, just like what he did yesterday to his potted plants. He even let Landis "helped", aka played with the soil. LOL! :D
He said to us, "In the past, you have to opportunity to play with soil and get all dirty. You can rear domestic animals like chicken. But look at Landis now? The only chance of him seeing a live chicken is in the zoo!!"
Yup! How true. It really got us thinking of the enviroment now. Our children today really lose the simple childhood and child play we used to enjoy. Of course, many will say that we have to improve and move with the global pace. But, is it worth the exchange of our children's innocence and growth? Will you trade your child's moral values to a richer society? That is how absurd our world has become. My new year resolution? To play a more active role in conserving our world, Reduce, Reuse & Recycle. Plus to educate Landis the importance of Mother Nature and appreciate her. :) I believe there is still goodness in mankind, we just have to spare a minute to ask ourselves what we really NEED instead of what we really WANT. We NEED to do our part to save our Mother Earth, otherwise our WANTs will not even EXIST, isn't it?
To end the note here, I'll share the pictures of my seedlings' sweet growth. :)

Presenting my Tropical Tomatoes and Egg Plant Long Tom :)

And last but not least, my Egg Tomatoes and Pepper Volcano Chilli. :) Cheers.

Friday, January 01, 2010Autumn fun.x


a patch of heaven where i'm seen as who i am.
a patch of space where you'll see what i scribble.


Shout out loud!


Lay it out.

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