Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy Lunar New Year, peeps. Gong Xi Fa Cai! HUAT ah...! :D
This CNY, was a blast. :) I would not go into details, but I've lots of fun with my love ones (you know who you are). Landis enjoyed himself tremendously; not with the goodies or the ang pows (red packets), but the quality times spent as a family. My hubby made lots of things possible and easy for us. For that, I'm truly grateful and thankful.
Side track alittle. At LONG last, I've the time to sit down to blog. Seriously, I would LOVE to blog more, BUT I CAN'T! NOT that I'm super busy (excuses) or whatsoever. Just that I gonna have to FILTER what I wanna blog online, so I would NOT risk blogging what I felt as UNNECESSARY. Because at the end of the day, its ALWAYS my love ones who get the nasty stuffs. And that NEVER fails to trigger the reaction of me TOP-BLOWING.
Seriously, I'm mostly a pretty harmless creature. But of course, humans were made with a dark side too and its for the best that you don't see mine. I don't whine, kick much of a fuss or even wanna attempt to give others a hard time. But when I saw and witnessed what I detest, it just pissed me right off. Really, if you have an issue with me, come and tell me right on my face and I'll DEFINATELY give you a piece of my mind too. :)
I hope in the year of Tiger, I don't meet too much people that will start the cause of an heart attack. May everything be smooth sailing, and let loves and joys surround my humble lil' home. I'll pray, and I'll pray real hard.
Thursday, February 18, 2010Autumn fun.x
Friday, February 5, 2010
Love Is Beyond Boundaries. We heard of this, yet not many would be fortunate enough to experience the truth in love. As I'm sharing, I'm dedicating this post to my beloved grand-uncle who passed on 2days earlier. It was undoubtly LOVE, and to have her as his wife was the happiest day in his life. He would always remember the day and time he fetched her from her home on their wedding day; which was lunar 20th Dec @ 6.30am. And he chose that very day and time (their wedding anniversary) to depart too. Before he breathed his very last, he said things to try to make her forget him when he was gone. His son tried to revive him, but he had let go. He was a REAL gentleman (he will probably put most men to shame). He was a 'ba-ba', English educated and was soft-spoken. My grand-aunt on the other hand, was a traditional Hokkien lady. We used to ask them how do they communicate with one speaking English and the other speaking Hokkien and Chinese. They just laughed and said they just do. You should see the way they looked at each other even after married for decades. Their eyes were filled with love and undenied understanding.When his son found his diary after his departure, and read out to his mum (my grand-aunt)... that was when we knew why he kept asking what was the time when he was struggling to let go. He wanted to depart on the happiest time of his life. Yes, I'm weeping now while sharing this; with much heartaches and grief. As we mourned over the loss of a family member, the world lost a good man. He had battled long with his illness, and I pray he will be in good hands now. May all my good merits be with him, and cultivate a good karma for him. He will be missed. Goodbye, Grand-uncle. Goodbye...
Friday, February 05, 2010Autumn fun.x
Monday, February 1, 2010
I spent about 2 days
SPRING CLEANING my lil home. I'm
impressed with the amount of junks I dug out!!!
LOL! I'll spare you guys the details. Hahaha... Anyways, the thing I enjoy most about "
Spring Cleaning" is that I will always be amazed by what I misplaced; be it an object, or even memories. Seriously, I was sitting on my bed laughing with what I found for a good 10mins.
The one misplaced item I loved specially, was the piles of photo albums I once kept. I smiled at the youthfulness I once possessed, the courtship days, the schools, the friends, and the wedding... I remembered very clearly the events that took placed. The laughters, the cheers, the tears and even the hates. But no matter, I kept all that
closed to me especially the misfortunes and the distaughted. In fact, I'm
thankful that those crossed my paths and in turn, I learnt that we can't judge and trust, nor give people easy access to our inner thoughts. And thru years, I built up my defenses and firewalls. :) I appreciate pains, for only thru pains can we learn to appreciate the good times.
I took awhile to flip thru the albums while Landis was taking his nap, and I told my hubby,
"Look at those days, and look at us now. It has been 12years in a flash."He said,
"Yes, it has been 12years and we're still so much in love." He smiled and kissed me before leaving to run his errands.
After all the pains and struggles, I still do appreciate his comforts and loves. :)
Monday, February 01, 2010Autumn fun.x