The fun's just started.
Sunday, April 25, 2010

As promised, here's the update of how my OSCAR scan went on the 22nd April 2010 (Thursday). :)

For the past few days, I was down right exhausted!!! OSCAR scan was either a 5mins affair or a 5hrs torture! MINE? 2hrs! =_=!!! YES!!! My lil one decided NOT to be very co-operative that day, and I had to scan twice to get all the measurements. My lil one just refused to lay down, and kept turning and moving all over. When AT LONG LAST, all the details were taken and Papa was allowed to enter the room to check out the lil one. You will NOT believe what happen! He/She was lying down in the exact position we needed from the start and was so well-behaved!

The nurse's jaw dropped and said to my baby, "I DUN BELIEVE YOU! Papa should have come in earlier to save Mummy from all the discomforts, and me from all the trouble!" LOL!!! This lil one DEFINITELY have the mischief like the elder brother!!! P.s, Landis gave us alot of problems for his OSCAR scan too!!! :D

The report was out yesterday and the nurse called to inform me that my lil one was fine. :) I breathe a sigh of relief. As I faithfully stepped into the 2nd trimester of my pregnancy, I'm thankful that my appetite is slowly coming back. For now, I'll just pray and count my blessings instead of my bad days. :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010Autumn fun.x

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Thru my pregnancy, I have my good and bad days. Today is, well... abit of both. One moment, I can be fine and hyper with Landis, and the next I'm breathless and feeling retardedly slow! Sigh... So when I was resting this morning and clearing old messages in my mobile phone, the messages from my youngest sister brought a smile to me.

For the record, she is in her sweet 17, mature and outspoken; an independent girl with a mind of her own. Here is what she text-ed me unexpectedly one morning, while I'm busy at work.

Catty: Da Jie, in your opinion, is having sex about pleasure or for the sake of reproduction? I've been thinking about this issue.

Me: (hit by a frying pan look) It depends on individual!!! Xiao mei, please dun freak me out!!! Lol! To me, SEX is pleasure, whereas MAKING LOVE is bout mutual loving and having children. :)

Catty: Lol! Da jie, I think its very normal for a 17 year old person to ask such questions as she's analysing about this issue. I am not so foolish to do anything stupid. But sometimes thinking about such things'll make me learn things more maturely what!

See, I told you she is something else, right! :) No prize for guessing why she was her secondary school Student Body President. LOL...

As usual, today we went back to my in-laws' place. On our way home, something happened. Something STUPIDLY HILARIOUS by me! =_=!!!

I was on the phone, waiting for the next party to pick up, when I saw a lorry with those bright coloured fanciful lightnings all over. I turned and told my hubby, "Dear, hey look! Is that the Chingay lorry?" He choked, taken back and started laughing!

After I ended the call, he told me; still stifling with his laugh, "Dear, that's not the Chingay lorry. Chingay ended months back. That's a funeral procession lorry." And he burst out laughing AGAIN when we saw another similar vehicle further up the highway! He was so amused by what I said. But seriously, I felt so DUMB! We had a good laugh bout it thou. Sigh, what a way to end our Sunday. :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010Autumn fun.x

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Its a cold, rainy Saturday night. As usual, I'm sitting in my comfort zone, breathing in the cold damp air while my fingers are leisurely "clicking" away on my keyboard. :)

Yes, Landis is long in his lala land; dreaming that he is playing with sheeps and rabbits on a peaceful grassland. And my hubby is out with his mates; for their male bonding "drinking" session. :) So its a real treat for me to have this quiet moment all to myself. A moment where I can breathe in slowly and enjoy the occasional sound of the planes flying pass.

Its way past bedtime for me. Thou I'm relatively tired, I can't seem to STOP my hectic mind from thinking and reflecting on today's events. So to distract myself, I tune in to my favorite music and played low IQ games, trying to let the beautiful lyrics fill my head instead.

Sigh... I know if I close my eyes now, I'll let my soul drift away, dance with the wind and let the rain fall thru me. A night like this always do this to me... Makes me dreamy and light. :)

Saturday, April 03, 2010Autumn fun.x

Friday, April 2, 2010

Sigh... Was just surfing again and sharing my all time favourite love song, Can't Take My Eyes Off You; originally sung by Andy Williams. Love his vocal and is DEFINITELY the song for sernading and proposing. :)

Friday, April 02, 2010Autumn fun.x

April Fool Day wasn't exactly a day for me. In fact, its not about practical jokes of any kind; but nasty shocks and dismay. :(

First and foremost, it was the last working day for one of our senior instructor. He had to go because of his health. He was only weeks away from his official 70 years old retirement, when he found out he had Prostate Cancer. He was devastated and we were broken hearted as well. He practically watched me grew from a lil rascal to who I'm today; married with kid. Even Landis called him "Ah Pek" (Grandpapa). My heart was torn when I saw him broke down. His younger brother was with him and it was an emotional rush. I couldn't bear to look at him in the eyes, as I know I would DEFINITELY lost it. For years we see each other almost everyday and to part is a pain. Is so hard for almost everyone to accept this fact, as he was a healthy man with no serious health record. I pray that his cancer cells will stop spreading any further and for him to be strong and regain his cheerful self soon.

My nasty shock came in the afternoon when one of my 'Babe' msg me telling me her 5 years relationship and her recent engagement was all over. Initially, I thought she was pulling my leg, but when I heard her voice over the phone... I knew it was for REAL. I swallowed down my tears when I heard her crying over the phone telling me he left for another. We met up last night and she cried over and over. That jerk-ass hurted her and pushed all the blames on her. She felt so insignificant and doubted herself. Everyone told her the same sentence, "Is better you found out his unfaithfulness now, than after your wedding".

Babe, if you happened to read this post, this is for you, this trial will turn you stronger and tougher. We're all different and there will be different trials we've to go thru. Only after pains and sorrow can we truly appreciate loves and happiness. Have faith, dun lose it. We know there will be better paths out there for you. If living happily married for the rest of your life required this setback, then grind on your teeth and walk over this. It will definitely be painful now, but the sweetness later will make it all worthwhile. Dun hate, love yourself, Babe. Dun hate him, thank him for making you stronger. You may linger now. but not for long. Cause it's a whole wide world out there for you. You know we're always there.

OH YES! One more thing!!! :D I realised when we worked in different departments, with different cultures and different managing style it somehow affect the moral and perspective in a whole. I was lucky (and I hope I remain this lucky) cos the employers/heads/SOs I used to work with and even now, were all very family orientated people.

They are compassionate and always thoughtful. That said alot isn't it? We covered each other job if anything cropped up and one had to attend personal issue. We looked out for one another and we worked hard and played hard as well. :)

Recently, I heard a passing comment to my hubby saying, "You're not the only one who have a family ok." How audacity and self-centre can people get. To gain shameless dominant, that is the way they treat their fellow colleagues. Too bad, somethings the management will never know and it always seem, people always choose to believe what they hear and not what they see or experience. When he mentioned to me what he was going thru at work, I smirked. Tell me bout their ranks or education craps, BUT with this kind of behaviours its TOTAL humiliation to their current states. I laughed, so that's what they learnt from school? How enlightening! They will not be leaders with their men respecting them cos, I've seen the REAL QUALITIES in REAL Leaders that will put them to shame.

Friday, April 02, 2010Autumn fun.x


a patch of heaven where i'm seen as who i am.
a patch of space where you'll see what i scribble.


Shout out loud!


Lay it out.

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