The fun's just started.
Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Vesak Day, Peeps! :)

I manage to sleep in alittle today. Last night was pretty much of a good night. :) Thou my hubby was on night duty, I've got a couple of great companions (Zhen Xin and Mike). They dropped by to pass me a pair of shoes they bought for Landis, and we chatted for bout an hour when suddenly heads popped out of my window!!! :) Surprisingly, my siblings popped by to eat supper with me!!! PRATAS with CURRY at 11pm (the cause of my tummy ache this morning! LOL!)!!! :) And of cos, we chatted till early dawn. :D I seriously loveeee them to bits!!!! :)

Something reflective happened yesterday. My mum's customer came by, together with her mum; who seem alittle mental unwell. Her daughter was there to tailor more clothes for her mum and at the same time bringing her around leisurely. After they left, I told my mum,

"This is what we called 'unconditional love', isn't it? Look, her daughter doesn't care bout how people look at them and still spend TIME and LOVE on her mum this way. Most people we know will either grumble is too troublesome to bring the elderly out or practically keep them shut at home or worst, old folks home."

Distinctively at the same moment, an incident my mum told me years back strike me. Previously, at a wet market near our workplace, a blind elderly lady was abandoned by her son and her daughter-in-law. They drove her from their home (which was nowhere near the East) to that specify wet-market and asked her to wait for them while they shop for groceries. She sat waited and waited till the NEXT day.

When some of the stall owners saw her in the morning, they asked her how come she was still there? She told them that her son and daughter-in-law had asked her to wait for them while they buy the groceries and she was wondering what was taking them so long. When the stall owners told her that she had already sat there for a day, she burst-ed into tears! A police report was made and guess what? Her son WAS actually a SCHOOL PRINCIPAL!!! Notice I use WAS, cos after this incident he was terminated!

How can a child be so heartless to abandon his own parent? How can he sleep at night? After suffering so long to bring him up and this is how he repay her by dumping her in a wet-market? I tear even when I think bout it. My mum knew it hit my weak spot and she told me that this is LIFE. An elderly once told her,

IF you've a filial son and good daughter-in-law, you're blessed.
IF you've a filial son BUT a difficult daughter-in-law, your life will be hard.
IF you've an unfilial son and a difficult daughter-in-law, your life's cursed.
IF you've an unfilial son BUT a good daughter-in-law, you're safe.
(That goes with the same saying of a daughter as well.)

I made my conclusion, but it's more to my personal thoughts. I feel it's not on how well educated, rich and powerful a person maybe. I think is more to the character and the goodness of a person. Yes, some may say that goodness is inborn, but I think goodness can be cultivated as well. BUT of cos I do understand that there are sacrifices that have to be made when we're talking about being FILIAL. Its NOT just talks or even by giving our parents money monthly. Its so much more than that.

All in all, is just a simple question to ourselves. Are you WILLING to put your parents' thoughts and welfare before yourself, LOVE them and ACCEPT them even when old age handicapped their life and need to depend on you till their souls rest?

Well, my answer is for me to know and this's for you to be honest to yourself. :)

Friday, May 28, 2010Autumn fun.x

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

This is something I've been feeling for the past month. I'm not complaining but just trying to "flush" it out, of my system. No matter how nice or patience a person can be, there is ALWAYS a limit. When there are certain additional factors throw in, the tolerance level maybe effected too. I realise most people are too into "me, myself and I" and turn out not very compassionate or even sympathetic. Well, it's kinda sad but I'm much immune to it now.

People like to see what they wanna see, and hear what they love to hear. I can't possibly pleased everyone. I'm JUST a human as well. Seriously, I doubt even God can please everyone. I guess it's a norm to see me so quiet and solemn, but is not something I can control. I would love to be that hyper-cheerful-radiant-outgoing Kimberly, my loved ones and friends know and love. But at this moment in time, you seriously can't expect to find much of the energy ions in my body.

My body is screaming help, my mind is crowded with piles and piles of craps, my soul just wanna rest. But I can't possibly just throw everything aside to get the rest that I need. That would be too selfish of me to do so. I still have a family in my hands, especially my lil darling boy who needs me.

Maybe you would say, because you can't let go and be selfish that's why you are suffering. BUT I would love to think that because I can't let go, that's why I keep pushing on; my son is that special motivation for me to move on and my husband is that pillar that I always lean on when I need a breather. :)

It will be another few months before the arrival of my lil darling, so till then, I'll just be known as the ICE QUEEN!!! LOL!!! After November, the reborn Kimberly will be BACK. This, I PROMISE. :)

P.S: Dear Hubby, I know you tried all means to get me out of the house and chill. BUT, for now, I prefer to stay home, rest and be embrace with the love you and Landis shower on me. :) I'm too exhausted to even talk, remember? Bear with me, hun. :)

P.P.S: My baby's gender will be known in 17th June. I will update soon again IF my dizziness can spare me from time to time. :) Loves~

Tuesday, May 25, 2010Autumn fun.x

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Now I'm in my bedroom, lying in my cosy corner. My son is way asleep and my hubby is out working (night shift). It's been awhile since he works in the night. So I can't help missing his presence.

I'm lying here looking at my tummy bump and my lil boy. It's amazing how far we've come. Flashbacks of how we first met came knocking in my head. In my sweet 15, he stole my heart away. Then comes friendship, and our courtship when I'm 17. I remember how hard we've to saved up our allowance to meet, the hard times when we've to share our food, and of cos his army days. I guess those days of courtship, build up our foundation in a relationship. Seriously, I lose count on the exact days/years we dated. :P

Talking bout fond memories, one was when we FIRST went roller blading! Hahaha! He couldn't believe what a daredevil I'm! He held onto my hand and when we were half way down the slope, I turned and told him, "Dude, I dunno how to brake." He looked terrified! To break my fall, he suffered scratches and he told me, "Never do that again! Tell me what else you dunno. OMG! You dunno how to blade and you dare to try the slope?!" ~ unbelievable look and shook head. LOL! :D

Another, was when he proposed in a cafe; after he sernaded. I wouldn't go in the details, but we always had a good laugh whenever we talked bout his proposal! :)

I'll always remember the time he brought me around on his bicycle. We can travel from Changi to Tampines to Simei... And he would always teased me that I put on weight when he rode up slope. :) The time he waited anxiously outside the operating theatre and promised me that he will be the first man I see when I'm out of the theatre. The way he tear when he saw me pale from my operation. The way he laughed, cheered and jumped when he first knew he was going to be a dad. The labour of Landis, when he told me how proud he is of me and thank me for loving him so much to go thru all the torments and pains to give him a complete family.

It can go on and on. Because absence makes a heart fonder, it makes me feel complete just to think of him and his love. It'll be just another few hours before he comes home. I'll just let sleep takes me away for now. When dawn arrives, I know I'll be awaken by his sweet morning kiss. :)

Thursday, May 06, 2010Autumn fun.x


a patch of heaven where i'm seen as who i am.
a patch of space where you'll see what i scribble.


Shout out loud!


Lay it out.

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