Vacation, vacation, vacation... :D
This morning, my hubby was asking me AGAIN; "Have you decided on where you wanna go after you deliver our second boy?"
He is planning on bringing me oversea to take a break from EVERYTHING... But then again, I'm not even sure if I can bear to part with my 2 boys. Anyways, he gave me 7 locations to choose from.
1. Japan
2. Korea
3. Maldives
4. New Zealand
5. Australia
6. Hawaii
7. Bintan - I told him, "You can go there yourself hor!" LOL... :D
Its really hard to make a choice. BUT!!! I asked him, if he will be providing a sum of shopping fees, I dun mind Japan. WAHAHAHA!
And he replied, "SEE HOW!". Oh well, I still have MONTHS to think about it. For my siblings & friends, you can leave a message in my Cbox on which country you think I should visit. Till then, I'll ask him to be patient and wait for my final answer. :D